martes, 29 de julio de 2008

My Final Project

Hi friends! I'm going to finish the course very soon. For the end I'm making a project and I'm talking about Petroleum spillages in the lake of maracaibo and how can I give Industrial Solutions for the problem. Right now I did my group name's logo, i am called.

Industrial engeniier solution's Oil and Water:

My Slogan Is: "The world is in our hands"

As you can see I'm the leader The leader is the responsable person that manage the group. Like you can see i'm alone in this project because i don't have time for doing wiht my group but here it's my project I hope that you like!!

From December 6, 2002, there have taken place 95 accidents related to Pdvsa's operations, distributed of this form: 43 in the Zulia, 18 in AnzoƔtegui, 17 in Trujillo, 14 in Barinas and 11 in Monagas. In addition, a whole of 8.360 barrels of crude oil has been spilt.

* FIND SOME INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ABOUT Petroleum spillages in the lake of maracaibo.
* Present a video where you can see the spillages in the lake of maracaibo and To create conscience in the bigs industrias.

The spillages of hydrocarbons will be informed in agreement to the formats of the board that systematizes and rationalizes the format of messages type to inform the pollutions of the aquatic way.

1.-The Operations that must be carried out under the plan of action are grouped in 4 categories. Before initiating any of them, a rapid evaluation of the spillage must be effected, in order to estimate the strategy to continuing and the equipments and personnel that they will need.

A. - In the first aspect the establishment of communications must be thought about the mobilization of the Coordinating Regional Center and the establishment of the Center of Operations about the place of the spillage, I contact with the interested parts, and to develop the whole necessary preparation to initiate the action of control.

B. The second important stage, it is the beginning and maintenance of the actions of control in the sea. The Area of primary action, in the immediate vicinity to the source of the spillage. It is important in this stage to possess air support, since the field of vision is perfect and there can direct the actions for him from the air by means of the communication helicopter - land - sea, owing for it the equipments of communications to embark adapted.

C. The third operation includes the implementation of support of the actions of control in the coastal line. The recommended action is to protect those areas of the coast of high ecological, economic and tourist value or that is difficult to clean, and to try to turn the oil aside towards the areas where it could be gathered easily without damaging the local ecology.

D. Finally the operations of ending are, this is, the compilation of the equipment analysis of the effects and costs of the spillage, concluding with a total report of the accident.

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